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I coach leaders, change makers and those who want more for themselves, their work and the world.

I challenge clients to explore possibilities, gain insights, take action and achieve potential. 

Together, we align your values and unique talents and explore options for the way forward so that you can find more satisfaction and success.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

― Howard Thurman


Making a difference requires tenacity, thoughtful planning and courage. It also requires a spark to light the path ahead.

You want to set the world on fire. To do so, and have the influence, impact and success you desire, requires a fire-starter. Partnering with a coach can help you to understand your strengths, remove barriers, clarify values and maximize potential.  The status quo just won’t do - there is more ahead to conquer, and the demands are many.


You need time to refuel, re-examine and reinvigorate. No one is an unending source of wisdom, strategy and inspiration. 

Whether your organization is a non-profit, foundation, socially responsible company or you’re just getting started with an idea, people depend on your leadership.  Leaders commit to their development - it’s not optional or a luxury.  Hard work and dedication are a good start but more is required to make significant change in life, work and the world.   


I’m on your team and I’m rooting for you.

You already know that creating a network of mentors and colleagues is critical to success.  An objective and experienced coach can add to your team and toolkit.

A coach offers a safe space to gain awareness, clarify priorities, set goals and define a path forward and provides the support, encouragement and accountability you need to make the change you desire.